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How do I whitelabel the Ready Ping platform?

Learn how to customise the Ready Ping platform with your own brand.

By Jack Peploe
January 20, 2021

Within the Ready Ping system you have the ability to customise the visitor facing portal with your own logo and colours. To specifically see what elements change click here to see our article on What elements in Ready Ping get customised with my brand? To do this:

  1. Ensure that you are logged in as an 'Company Admin' user.

  2. Within the top navigation click on ADMIN.

  3. From the left hand menu select Branding.

  4. To upload your logo select Choose File. A file selection box will appear, just select an appropriately sized image.

    Please bear in mind that we currently only support jpeg and png image file types.

  5. In the Primary Colour field enter the hex code of your main brand colour into the field. Please ensure to include the #.

    To find your hex code colour simply click here, ensure to copy the final hex code into the Primary Colour field.

  6. In the Secondary Colour field enter the hex code of your main brand colour into the field. Please ensure to include the #.

    To find your hex code colour simply click here, ensure to copy the final hex code into the Secondary Colour field.

  7. When you are happy click Update.

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