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How do I request the reason for the visit during check in?

Find out how to ask your visitor for the reason for their visit during check in.

By Jack Peploe
March 3, 2021

We now have the facility to prompt your visitors for the reason for their visit to your premises. With this feature you have the ability to turn this feature on or off as well as control what the reasons for the visits are, so that the visitor can select from a set of options upon check in.

How do I activate the Reason for Visit function and enter reasons?

  1. Ensure that you are logged in as an 'Company Admin' user.

  2. Within the top navigation click on ADMIN.

  3. From the left hand menu select Fields.


  4. Select Yes on the field called Would you like to know the reason for their visit?.


  5. This will show a new field asking you to Enter a reason for visit. Enter one reason at a time and click the green + button when done.


  6. As soon as you have done this you will notice a new section called Reasons appear with the reason you just entered showing.


  7. To delete a reason just press the red X and to re-order the list simply click and hold the two lines.


Where will the Reason for Visit show?

From the Planner section you will see the reason for visit show on the client card as shown below:


You will also have the ability to review this by clicking anywhere on the clients card and reviewing the pop out on the right hand side as shown below:


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