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What is the nudge feature?

Find out what the nudge feature is and how you can enable it.

By Jack Peploe
March 16, 2021

A nudge is a text message sent to your visitor should they have not acknowledged your next steps (e.g. your action). See the What is the acknowledgement feature? article.

The nudge feature is designed to attract the attention of your visitor should they have disregarded their phones notification. It simply just re-iterates the next steps you require your visitor to follow.

How does the nudge feature work?

  1. When you select the appropriate next steps for your visitor to follow (e.g. your action) your visitor will receive a pop up on their device informing them of next steps with ability to press ok, similar to the example below.


  2. Should the visitor press Ok the check in would be regarded as acknowledged and no further action would be required. However should they not, on the visitors card it will be put in the status of Awaiting Response. See the bottom right of the card below for an example.


  3. When you activate the nudge feature you have the ability to customise how much time you want to grant your visitor to acknowledge your next steps. Should it go beyond this time the card will turn amber highlighting to your team that further action is required. See below.


  4. When your team click on the amber card on the right hand side a pop out will appear with the option to Nudge. By clicking this the visitor will be sent a text message re-confirming the next steps.


Please be aware should you enable the Auto Nudge feature steps 3 and 4 will not apply as the system will automatically send the visitor a text message confirming next steps for you.

Is there a cost to the nudge feature?

To send a nudge to a visitor it will cost £0.07 ex VAT per nudge and will be charged during your monthly bill run. You can only send one nudge per check in.

How do I enable the nudge feature?

  1. Ensure that you are logged in as an 'Company Admin' user.

  2. Within the top navigation click on ADMIN.

  3. From the left hand menu select Actions & Notifications.


  4. Look for the option labelled Would you like to enable the nudge feature? and select Yes.

    Please be aware that you will need to either have entered your card details in the billing section or have an active credit account to enable this feature. You will also need to request a mobile number for your visitor upon check in.

  5. A new field will appear asking How long after an update would you like to wait before being informed the customer hasn't acknowledged the update? This is the total time you allow the visitor to acknowledge your next steps before the nudge function becomes available and the contacts card turns amber. Simply choose the time in minutes.

  6. The final option to choose is Would you like to enable the auto nudge feature? You can either set the system to automatically send the nudge message to the visitor after the allotted time or you can manually send the nudge message.

  7. When you are happy click Update.

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