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How can my visitor share more information during check in?

Find out what the more information field is and how to enable it.

By Jack Peploe
March 16, 2021

During the check in process you can provide your visitor the ability to share additional information.

Where will the additional information field appear?

During the process of when a visitor checks in your visitor will see the following field:


This field will not be mandatory so can be ignored should the visitor not have anything additional they wish to share with you.

How will I know if the visitor has shared any additional information?

When the visitor checks in, if they have shared additional information a little 'i' icon will appear top right on their check in card, similar to the below.


By clicking on the card on the right hand side a pop out will appear with a field labelled Additional Information with the details shared by the client, similar to the below.


How can I enable the additional information field function?

  1. Ensure that you are logged in as an 'Company Admin' user.

  2. Within the top navigation click on ADMIN.

  3. From the left hand menu select Fields.


  4. Select Yes on the field called Would you like to enable customers to enter additional information?.

  5. When you are happy click Update.

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